Hi there Creative friends,
The Sketchbook Retreat video series is a bonus section created especially for you if you are in need of a little alone time & to build a positive habit with simple plant shadows in a Sketchbook.
It can be enjoyed at home, on holiday or in bed if you are feeling a little under the weather lately. I know how important a little creative space is & wanted you to have the freedom at home to create that total freedom for yourself as well. Simply bring along your Sketchbook, a candle, your watercolour supplies & settle in at home with your favourite things. Make your space as cozy as possible & don't worry about a thing.
If you currently don't have a Sketchbook, I'll show you how to fold a mini Sketchbook from one A4 page or a sheet of watercolour paper (or go bigger with a larger watercolour sheet if you have one)
Dive into a little Sketchbook Retreat at home & follow along with just a few videos to get you started with this positive habit.
Make room for your creativity, find small moment of bliss & enjoy some simplified creative practices until you feel better.
Much Love
xo Tanya
What to Gather for Your Sketchbook Retreat at Home:
And if it cold where you are now, make it more comfortable with something warm... or anything cool if you are in a steaming hot environment!
Relax & Enjoy this Special Edition of the Sketchbook Retreat at Home. Remember to share your pages by tagging me with @tanyajdewet on Instagram I would love to see how you interpreted the shadows & colours
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Join us for our free program in the "Open Studio Sessions" to give yourself a peaceful way to relax at home with your sketchbook, a few watercolours & time away from stress.
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